
How To Find A Job In Singapore From Overseas

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How to find a job in Singapore as a foreigner

Singapore is a city-land that is well-known for its vibrant work force. It is especially so since this resource comprises both locals likewise equally foreigners. With respect to chore opportunities, here's a guide on how to find a job in Singapore every bit a foreigner!

The job market within this Asian city has been growing gradually as more organisations are starting upwardly within the business hub of Singapore.

Albeit, securing a chore opportunity in Singapore as a greenhorn tin exist a confusing process. Fret non – this article shall help yous discover your way!

How Can A Foreigner Work In Singapore?

singaporean working outside

Before nosotros delve into the details of job scopes and salary details, there are some standard legal information you lot would have to familiarise yourself with.

All foreigners who intend to commence work in Singapore must possess a valid piece of work pass. This is otherwise known as a work visa. Y'all will accept to acquire this earlier starting work in the country.

There are different piece of work passes available in Singapore. You would have to check which one all-time suits your contour earlier applying for the appropriate visa. That volition exist the first step on how to find a job in Singapore every bit a foreigner.

'Employment Pass' is ane of the available work visas in Singapore.

In club to exist eligible to apply for the Employment Pass, applicants will have to find an opportunity as a professional, manager or an executive.

Additionally, individuals will also demand to earn at least $4,500 a month and have adequate qualifications. First fourth dimension-applicants may be provided with a valid visa for up to two years. The pass will exist bailiwick to renewal thereafter. Extensions may exist granted for up to 3 years per renewal.

Furthermore, employers are not subjected to a quota and levy for Employment Pass employees.

'Due south Pass' is one of the other available work visas in Singapore.

In order to be eligible to apply for the S Pass, applicants will take to find an opportunity as a mid-level skilled staff. Individuals will also demand to earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $two,500 a calendar month and meet the assessment criteria.

Applicants may be provided with a valid visa for up to ii years. Renewal is allowed for these laissez passer holders too. Employers are subjected to a quota and levy for Southward Laissez passer employees.

For more information on this, visit the MOM website here.

'Dependent Pass' is also one of the other available work visas in Singapore.

Legally married spouses or unmarried children nether 21 years, of eligible Employment or S Laissez passer holders, can apply for a Dependent Laissez passer. However, in order for these individuals to work in Singapore, they will have to obtain a Letter of Consent from MOM.

Moreover, employers are not subjected to a quota and levy for Dependent Pass employees.

More data on Dependent Pass holders can be obtained here.

Is It Easy For A Greenhorn To Go A Job In Singapore?

girl chasing career in singapore

Truth be told, it is not equally easy for a foreigner to go a job in Singapore. With that being said, information technology'due south also non impossible!

Learning some of the factors that affect one'southward eligibility criteria to secure a chore as a greenhorn in Singapore tin can assistance yous, though.

Each company has a specific quota as to how many foreigners they can take in to their firm. This is dependent on the number of Singaporeans an arrangement has hired. Nonetheless, information on quotas tend to exist restricted to employers/employees within the firm. As such, this factor is pretty much out of your hands.

On the bright side, Singapore'south unemployment rates remain amid the lowest effectually the world. Currently, the rate stands at three.6% – the highest it has reached since 2004 due to the Covid-19 crisis.

The best time of the year for foreigners to apply for jobs in Singapore are said to revolve around the months of early January, then March to May. Hiring rates tend to ascent in the early twelvemonth as individuals settle into work subsequently the year-end holidays.

What Skills Are Of Demand In Singapore?

Every bit with every country, at that place are certain skills that of high demand. Here'south a list of the top 5 skills that are of demand in Singapore.

Those who are wondering how to detect a job in Singapore every bit a greenhorn can larn much from this collated list!

ane. Information Analysis

Data Analysis, is undoubtedly, ane of the biggest and fastest growing sectors all around the earth.

The chore scope of a data annotator includes collecting data using numerous softwares, cleaning the data. It likewise involves interpreting the collated data as well equally visualising it in the course of tables and charts besides.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one other chore skill that foreigners interested in looking for a task in Singapore can look into.

With the number of SM platforms and its users on a steady ascension, an automatic increase in task opportunities can as well be expected within the manufacture!

Thus, making this a popular job skill to be attained.

iii. Information Applied science

It is perhaps ane of the near popular industries that has consistently attracted foreigners from all around the world to Singapore.

With a myriad of businesses setting upwardly fort in the city-state, numerous opportunities tend to be present in this sector!

Foreigners can seek jobs across the industries of programming, coding, web pattern and security too!

iv. Healthcare

With an aging population on its hand, Singapore is in dire demand of professionals from the healthcare sector.

The sectors of nursing and hospital care are possible areas of interest for healthcare professionals. If you are keen about helping people and caring for them, this might be a sound choice for you!

five. Engineering

Fifty-fifty though Covid-xix has hit the structure sector of Singapore quite drastically, information technology is gradually starting to get back upward on its anxiety.

Nevertheless, MRT projects and other structure works have picked up since. As such, this is besides a sector that is looking to hire foreigners. As soon equally the borders are back open, anyway!

What Is A Skilful Salary In Singapore?

singapore buildings

The estimated toll of living in Singapore for a single foreigner tin can total up to $800 per calendar month. Whereas, the expenses for a 4-member family tin add upwardly to about $iv,400 per month.

Considering that Singapore is amid i of the most expensive countries to live in, the above figures would brand sense! It also means that your pay will most likely be higher than those speculated amounts. The salary of each occupation will vary. This is dependent on your educational qualifications as well every bit your prior work experience.

A good salary will as well exist dependent on how well the market you're a part of is doing also.

What Is Considered A Proficient Salary In Singapore?

singapore skyline

Well, what is considered a adept bacon in Singapore, then?

Below, you volition find a table that shall function as a quick guide on the expected salaries for specific professions and designations. While this is a comprehensive list in no way, information technology should still give you some ideas to gauge any offers that come your way! Furthermore, information technology will also be wise to keep in mind the minimum salaries needed for the different work passes in Singapore.

In order to exist eligible for an Employment Pass, y'all'll have to earn a minimum of $4,500 per month. Similarly, those who are looking to secure an S Pass will have to earn a minimum monthly salary of $two,500.

So, which jobs pay the most in Singapore then?

With that beingness said, it would exist more informative if an judge figure could be placed next to certain designations. That's just what we're about to get into now! Information technology should exist added that the beneath-mentioned positions are of higher ranking positions within the different industries. Some of these include cyberbanking, communications, and information technology amidst others.

Here'south a table that sums it up in a glance well-nigh some pop job options for foreigners looking to notice an opportunity within Singapore:


Salary per Month (SGD)

Regional Marketing Director

Corporate Communications Manager

Where To Observe Jobs In Singapore?

foreigner looking for work in singapore

Now that you've got some basic information on how to find a chore in Singapore every bit a foreigner, let'due south have a look at where you can notice ane.

In that location are a number of means you tin can secure a job opportunity as a foreigner in Singapore. First off, as any other task hunter may search for an opportunity – job portals are a good identify to become started.

In that location are quite a few sites out at that place that provide a comprehensive coverage of the jobs available in Singapore. For a list of the top 19 of them, visit our web log here!

Secondly, recruitment agencies can be a great source of assistance for a greenhorn who is looking to secure a task opportunity in Singapore. This method of chore search is chargeable. The rates may vary from bureau to bureau – depending on the business firm's own terms.

You lot should be advised that in that location are a number of scam businesses out in that location pretending to exist such recruitment agencies. As such, it is especially important that you check the license registration number of these firms hither before directly liaising with them.

Final merely not least, the tried and tested method continues to prevail to this day. References, connections, and word-of-mouth recommendations! While this can help you arrive touch with the HR department, a job opportunity cannot exist promised.

Is There A Off-white Adventure For Anybody?

In a nutshell, everyone is provided with an equal chance and off-white grounds of competition within Singapore. Personal favours to secure a work opportunity are unheard of within the city-state as information technology is not condoned.

At the end of the solar day, it should be kept in mind that only an employer or an authorised/licensed employment agency tin can utilise for a work visa on your behalf. This means that direct applications to the Ministry of Manpower cannot be fabricated.

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Reshma R Sharunlal

Reshma R Sharunlal

Content Writer and Marketing Associate at GrabJobs, with over 6 years of content writing experience in different industries such as Recruitment, Technology, Lifestyle and Finance. She enjoys spending her time writing anything from poems to screenplays, and everything in between. She also finds joy in reading novels, baking and communicable movies with her family. Read more:

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