
What Are Nnaemeka`s Objections To The Girl His Father Finds For Him To Marry?

Okeke is Nnaemeka'due south father and the antagonist in the story. He is the 1 that shows the fiercest resistance to his son's news that he plans to ally Nene, a daughter who is neither from their village nor Ibo. A deeply Christian and family-oriented man, Okeke sees his son's decision equally deviant, sinful, and particularly disrespectful to him every bit a father. However, he takes information technology as his duty equally a begetter to teach his son to run across reason; consequently, he spends ample time encouraging his son to change his mind. One time it is articulate, notwithstanding, that Nnaemeka has made up his mind, Okeke stubbornly refuses to see him for eight years every bit punishment for his son's determination to marry Nene. He insists all the while that he wants goose egg to do with such an insolent son whom he believes has chosen to sever himself from his family and community for a sinful marriage. Notwithstanding, underneath Okeke's hubris, he continues to hope and pray every mean solar day that his son will return to him and ask for his forgiveness. It is Okeke, nonetheless, who shows the offset signs of remorse. Upon learning nigh the being of his grandchildren, he realizes that his actions may have cost him the opportunity to play a critical role in his grandchildren's lives. Nene'southward letter to him, along with nature'due south reprimand in the class of a tempest outside his window, remind him that he may never recover from the pain his absence has caused his family now and in the future.

Okeke / Nnaemeka's Male parent Quotes in Spousal relationship is a Private Affair

The Marriage is a Private Thing quotes below are all either spoken past Okeke / Nnaemeka's Begetter or refer to Okeke / Nnaemeka's Father. For each quote, you tin can also run across the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its ain dot and icon, like this one:

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon


At last she said, "You don't actually mean that he will object to your marrying me simply on that business relationship? I had always thought you Ibos were kindly tending to other people."

Page Number: 23

Explanation and Assay:

"I have found a girl who will suit you lot admirably—Ugoye Nweke, the eldest daughter of our neighbor, Jacob Nweke. She has a proper Christian upbringing […] Her Sunday school teacher has told me that she reads her Bible very fluently. I promise we shall begin negotiations when you come dwelling house in December."

Folio Number: 24

Explanation and Analysis:

"Father," began Nnaemeka suddenly, "I have come to ask forgiveness."

Page Number: 24

Caption and Analysis:

"I owe it to y'all, my son, every bit a duty to show you what is right and what is wrong. Whoever put this idea into your head might as well take cut your pharynx. Information technology is Satan's work."

Folio Number: 26

Explanation and Analysis:

"I shall never see her," was the reply. From that night the begetter scarcely spoke to his son. He did not, however, stop hoping that he would realize how serious was the danger he was heading for. Twenty-four hours and night, he put him in his prayers.

Page Number: 26

Explanation and Analysis:

"It has never been heard," was the verdict of an erstwhile human being speaking a few weeks later on. In that brusque judgement he spoke for all of his people. This human being had come up with others to commiserate with Okeke when news went circular most his son'south behavior.

Page Number: 26

Caption and Analysis:

"What did Our Lord say?" asked another gentleman. "Sons shall rise confronting their Fathers; it is at that place in the Holy Volume."

"It is the kickoff of the end," said another.

Page Number: 26

Explanation and Analysis:

"If my son wants to kill himself let him exercise information technology with his own hands. It is not for me to help him."

Page Number: 27

Explanation and Assay:

"Information technology amazes me that you could be so unfeeling as to ship me your hymeneals picture. I would have sent it dorsum. But on further thought I decided just to cut off your wife and send it dorsum to yous considering I take zippo to exercise with her. How I wish that I had zip to do with you either."

Related Symbols: Lagos

Page Number: 27

Explanation and Assay:

"Our two sons, from the day they learnt that they have a granddad, have insisted on beingness taken to him. I find it impossible to tell them that you lot volition not run across them. I implore yous to allow Nnaemeka to bring them abode for a short time during his leave next calendar month. I shall remain here in Lagos."

Related Symbols: Lagos

Page Number: 29

Explanation and Analysis:

It was i of those rare occasions when even Nature takes a hand in a human being fight. Very presently it began to rain, the first rain in the year. It came down in large precipitous drops and was accompanied by the lightning and thunder which mark a change of season.

Page Number: 29

Explanation and Analysis:

By a curious mental process he imagined them continuing, pitiful and forsaken, under the harsh angry conditions—shut out from his house.

Page Number: 30

Explanation and Analysis:

Okeke / Nnaemeka's Male parent Character Timeline in Marriage is a Private Affair

The timeline beneath shows where the graphic symbol Okeke / Nnaemeka'due south Father appears in Wedlock is a Private Affair. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that advent.

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

In Lagos, Nene asks Nnaemeka if he has told his begetter, Okeke, the exciting news. Nnaemeka reveals that he hasn't and would adopt to tell his... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Nene wonders why Nnaemeka doesn't simply write to Okeke instead of delaying the news for another six weeks until his trip. She is eager... (full context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Nene is confused equally to why Okeke wouldn't be happy about the news, merely Nnaemeka reminds her that she has spent her... (full context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Nene continues to believe that Okeke will exist pleased—she can't fathom how anyone could "be unhappy when their sons are engaged... (total context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

...that marriage would swivel on a person's tribe. For the first fourth dimension, she wonders whether Okeke volition be unhappy almost the news after all. She tries to reconcile this possibility with... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Nevertheless, Nene continues to urge Nnaemeka to transport a "a prissy lovely letter" to his father. Again, Nnaemeka refuses, preferring non to "shock" him quite so abruptly. At last, Nnaemeka finally... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon his dwelling in Lagos, Nnaemeka thinks about means to break the news to his father. He remembers a letter of the alphabet his father sent him recently nigh Ugoye, the woman Okeke has... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

In the letter, Okeke professes to accept plant a girl for Nnaemeka that volition "adapt [Nnaemeka] admirably." Okeke praises... (total context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

...Nnaemeka returns to his village, and on day ii of his return, he joins his father nether one of his favorite spots nether a cassia tree. Nnaemeka begins their conversation by... (total context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Nnaemeka explains to his startled begetter that he is request for forgiveness because of the "marriage question." Okeke is still confused,... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Okeke implores his son to explain why it is impossible, prompting Nnaemeka to explain that he... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Okeke, however, insists that "zippo is dissimilar," and that Nnaemeka should only worry about whether his... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

...finally reveals that he has found another woman, with all of "Ugoye's good qualities." His father reacts with atheism to the news, but Nnaemeka continues by describing Nene as a "good... (full context)

...on to explain that Nene is also a "instructor at a Daughter'south School in Lagos." Okeke reacts angrily to this news. He points out that not only does Nene's job disqualify... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Okeke composes himself and asks about Nene's background and who her father is. Nnaemeka explains that... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Instead of lashing out, though, Okeke reacts by walking away, which to Nnaemeka feels far more alarming and hostile than a... (full context)

A twenty-four hour period later, Okeke tries to dissuade his son from marrying Nene, though Nnaemeka remains committed to his decision,... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

Though Okeke dismisses his son, Nnaemeka suggests that Okeke volition eventually change his mind after he meets... (full context)

Afterwards, Okeke barely speaks to Nnaemeka, though he continues to hope that Nnaemeka will recognize the error... (full context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Meanwhile, Nnaemeka continues to hope his father volition come effectually. He remains optimistic considering he fails to realize that "never in the... (full context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Other people in their hamlet share Okeke's opinion. An quondam man reminds his people that Nnaemeka's programme "has never been heard," a... (total context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

...has returned to Lagos. More than people share their stance on the result to commiserate with Okeke. Another person in the community claims that Nnaemeka's actions are alluded to in the Bible:... (full context)

...conversation becomes increasingly religious, a "highly practical man" named Madubogwu suggests an ordinary solution to Okeke'south problem. He suggests that Okeke "[consult] a native doctor most [his] son." Okeke, nonetheless, denies... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

Though others in the customs agree with Madubogwu, Okeke insists he will not involve a native doc and make the same "superstitious" error as... (total context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Six months later, Nnaemeka receives a letter from his male parent, which he shows Nene—who is now his wife. The letter accuses Nnaemeka of beingness "unfeeling,"... (full context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Even so, viii years laissez passer and Okeke still refuses to speak to Nnaemeka. Okeke writes to his son but 3 times during... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

News of Nnaemeka and Nene's happy union spreads throughout Okeke'due south village, only no ane dares to mention this to Okeke because of how his son'due south... (total context)

Urban vs. Rural Spaces Theme Icon

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

One twenty-four hours, Okeke receives a letter from Nene. At first, he glances at it briefly, just its contents... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

After reading the alphabetic character, Okeke senses the cracks in the "resolution he had congenital up over so many years." He... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Christianity Theme Icon

Okeke continues to attempt to suppress thoughts about his two grandsons, admitting unsuccessfully. He even hums... (full context)

Family, Love, and Marriage Theme Icon

Okeke begins to feel guilty and wonders how he "could [take] shut his door against them."... (full context)


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